Maize (corn) was first domesticated by native peoples in Mexico about 10,000 years ago. The corn plant is a tall annual grass with a stout, erect, solid stem.
Rich in Carbohydrates
Maize is highly rich in carbohydrates. Many people would prefer maize to other energy foods to supply them with energy. Being a starchy food, it releases energy slowly in the blood stream ensuring that you stay energized the whole day. It is rich in iron, sodium and trace elements such as manganese. Porridge made from maize is also sweet and delicious. It is fed to young children and can be a good substitute for milk. It is usually prepared using milk. It can be enriched by adding margarine and sugar.
Rich Source of Iron
Maize meal is a rich source of iron. The non-sifted maize is particularly nutritious because the germ has not been removed. It is highly nutritious and beneficial to the body. It is also protein rich. The endosperm is the energy store house. It is packed with high calories
Order here: Maize Flour Stone Grouted
Source of Corn Oil that has good Antioxidant Properties
In other countries, it is used to make corn oil. Corn oil is mono unsaturated oil that is beneficial to the body. The oil is a good antioxidant and does not solidify at room temperature. Corn flakes are made from corn (corn is same as maize). Corn flakes are highly nutritious and a good source of energy and vitamins.