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Kodu is used as a staple food in various parts of India and is traditionally known for its medicinal uses.

Traditionally, Shoots are crushed and eaten with salt to strengthen the liver by local villagers. Young shoots are used as insect repellent for cattle during rainy season. Leaves and shoot extraction is used in scabs and other skin infections. Some people use flowers in snuffing purposes during cold season in Himachal Pradesh.

Order hereKodu Millet

Benefits and uses of kodu millet include

  • Juice expressed from the stem used for corneal opacities.
  • Decoction of roots and rhizomes used as alterative in childbirth.
  • In cases of poisoning, eating of the grains of the grass is prescribed.
  • Grains are used in the treatment of diabetes.

Note: We advise that natural products be consumed in their pristine form, without any preservatives or processing chemicals, unless a preparation is advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.

It gives maximum health benefits and keeps costs low (compared to the huge medical costs due to modern diseases.)

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