Desi Mango
Mango tree is a native tree of India. It is grown since thousands of years (more than 4000 years). This tropical tree is also known as Aam in Hindi and Aamra in Sanskrit. Most parts of the tree are used as a medicine. The bark of this tree is known to contain tannins which are primarily used for the purpose of dyeing cloth. This popular tree and its parts have been proven to contain properties that can help in improving overall health of a person. The mango is a national fruit of India.
Puranic Reference:
In Bhagavata Purana, it is mentioned that mango tree is present on Mount Mandara. The mango tree is considered sacred by both the Hindus and Buddhists. Lord Buddha was once presented with a grove of mango trees, under which he would relax. Thus the Buddhists consider the tree sacred. It is also known as the heavenly fruit in Vedas.
Once Lord Buddha ate a mango fruit, the seed of which He gave to Ananda, His favourite disciple to plant at a chosen place. After Ananda had planted the seed, Buddha washed His hands over it and suddenly a mango plant sprang from it bearing flowers and fruits.
The daughter of the Sun god Surya was under the spell of a sorceress. She fell into a pond and became a lotus to escape the evil design of the sorceress. A King who saw the lotus flower desired to possess it. Even before he could possess the flower, the sorceress burnt the flower into ashes. From the ashes rose the mango tree. When the mango tree bore flowers and fruits, the King desired to keep the fruit to himself. When the fruit ripened and fell on the ground, from it arose the daughter of the Sun God. The king immediately recognised her as his wife in his previous birth.
Lord Shiva sat under the mango tree during His separation from goddess Parvati. Later by the grace of goddess Lalitha, Shiva married Parvati and went to reside at Mount Kailash.
Ayurvedic Uses
In Ayurveda, mango cures all the three -Vata, Pittha and Kapha doshas. The ripe mango causes heat and boosts the energy levels in the body. The unripe fruit tastes sour and has astringent and cooling properties. Ayurveda advices caution about eating raw mangoes. Raw mangoes alone should not be eaten in large quantities, as it can increase the pitta dosha. However, it can be used in combination with other food, like in Chutneys, which will help in digestion.
Mangoes are a powerhouse of essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients (antioxidants) fibre and enzymes that strengthen the immune system. Mangoes consist of antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial cardio tonic, emetic, expectorant, hypotensive, laxative properties. The presence of tartaric acid, malic acid and a little of citric acid helps the body in maintaining the alkali reserve energy. Mangoes possess the phenols, quercetin, isoquercitfin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgallat.
Mango is low in protein, sodium and contains no cholesterol. The fibre in the fruit cleanses the body and thus is a panacea for constipation. Mangoes improve the appetite and are effective in removing the toxins from the body. The high levels of potassium and magnesium help in combating muscle cramps, stress and cardiac problems.
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Note: We advise that natural products be consumed in their pristine form, without any preservatives or processing chemicals, unless a preparation is advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.
It gives maximum health benefits and keeps costs low (compared to the huge medical costs due to modern diseases.)
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