The Ashoka tree is a small evergreen rain-forest tree that has beautiful and fragrant red and yellow flowers. It is considered to be a sacred tree in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The tree used to be a centre piece in every palatial garden in India. Also a lot of temples and Buddhist monasteries have the symbol of the Yakshi, a female deity standing with her foot on the trunk and her hand holding the branch of an Ashoka tree. It is found naturally in Central and Easter Himalayas and in the Western Ghats.
Puranic reference
In Vishnu Purana, there is a mention of Asoka Vatika, garden in Ravana’s palace premises. It was in the Asoka Vana that Mandodari, queen of Ravana came to meet Sita Mata and it is also the place where Hanuman first meets Sita Mata.
In Ramayana, there is a mention of Asoka tree where Sita Devi, wife of Lord Rama took shelter in Lanka, when in the captivity of Ravana. The tree is slightly said to have bent, to not only provide shelter to Sita Mata, but to also show its respect to Her.
Lord Mahavira renounced this world sitting under the Asoka tree in Vaishali.
Lord Buddha was born under the Asoka tree.
The tree is dedicated to Kamadeva, the God of Love. The tree is a symbol of love, as the lord is said to have used the Asoka flowers as one of the five flowers in his quiver.
The tree is associated with Yakshi, a mythological being (spirits who are the custodians of treasure hidden in earth and in the root of the trees) usually seen at the entrance of temples or Buddhist monasteries. Yakshi is sculpted as having her one foot on the trunk of the Asoka tree and her hand holding the branch of a flowering trunk.
Ayurvedic Uses
The seeds, bark, roots and the flowers have medicinal properties. In Charaka Samhita, Asoka herb is mentioned in the treatment of uterus related ailments. Asoka tree is said to contain haematoxylin, tannin, iron, catechol, silica, potassium, magnesium, calcium, glycoside and many more.
In Ayurveda, the uses of Asoka tree are as follows:
Vedana sthapana- Effective in management of all painful conditions
Varnya- Improves skin tone
Grahi- Effective in improving digestion and assimilation
Daha shamanam – Effective in treating excessive thirst
Trishanashnam: Eases the burning sensation in the body
Krimighna- Asoka kills all infectious agents.
Shothajit- Effective in management of all oedematous conditions
Vish asrajit- Is useful in removing toxins, thus purifying the blood.
Apachijit- Used in management of inflammation of lymph nodes.
Asrigdara nashanam- Highly effective in managing excessive bleeding during menstruation
Asoka is an astringent and analgesic agent. Astringent property is used to treat womb problems along with other medicine. It is highly effective in stimulating the uterus, the endometrial and the ovarian tissues. It is effective in treating uterine bleeding associated with fibroids, leucorrhoea and menstrual disturbances.
The herb has a nourishing effect on the circulatory system, which makes it useful in treating arrhythmia (irregular beating of the heart). It is a natural blood purifier and helps in preventing skin allergies.
The herb is used as a natural diuretic. It is effective in treating conditions causing painful urination.
Note: We advise that natural products be consumed in their pristine form, without any preservatives or processing chemicals, unless a preparation is advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.
It gives maximum health benefits and keeps costs low (compared to the huge medical costs due to modern diseases.)
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